a year in review: 2006
this has been quite a year in my life... and as it draws to a close i have been thinking back on just how much has happened and how different i must be at the end of it.
there were some definite highlights: seeing the running of the bulls in pamplona and the bastille day fireworks in paris, meeting naomi cape, officially starting down the road to nursedom…
but there have been some real low points as well: leaving athens, starting school and being disappointed in the program, having my heart broken…
i’m not really sure how to rate this one. there have been tough years in the past that have stretched me and tired me out. there have been years where the lists of negatives and positives were clearly weighted in one direction, or where i know i learned a ton but would do things differently if given a redo. i can’t say that this year is like that. there was a whole lot of good, and even the really challenging and painful stuff had good sides to it. i don’t have any regrets really, or wish i’d done anything differently. maybe i would have chosen a different school, maybe i wouldn’t have come back to seattle. and yet even that has some really huge positive aspects, and there are things here i just couldn't get anywhere else.
if forced to to assign a number to 2006 on a scale of 1-10, i think i would give it a solid 5. it was perhaps the greatest roller coaster year of my life so far, balancing out, in the end, to average.
and now i'm looking forward to 2007, a new year full of possibilities and adventures that i'm sure i can't even begin to imagine...
happy new year.