happy (belated) memory day!
most people think this is memorial day weekend. and it is. but few people know that it is also memory day weekend. yes, memory day. it's always the friday before memorial day. it is a day to make and remember memories with the ones you love. it only comes around once a year folks, and i highly recommend celebrating it next year.
today is beth's birthday, and for her gift i decided to make gherkin wheels. she loves gherkin wheels. i know, they seem so easy and simple to make, but there were a lot of specific details that i wasn't exactly sure about. like what kind of pickles to use. i never knew there were so many different varieties of whole pickle. but in the end they turned out pretty well. i am pleased, and hopefully beth with be too.
and actually, now that i am looking at the time, i best go.
happy birthday! happy memory day! what a weekend!
Ham, cream cheese and pickles? This is a new concept to me. Brand new. Are they good?
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