if you're gonna spew, spew into this
i'm not allowed to tell you yet but i know what it is.
patrick: grab a beer and call me sometime. we'll suspend reality and pretend i'm there.
there are some pretty rad people out there who also feel lonely right now. i wonder if that's why we're friends; we have this idea, this vision, or this experience with friendship and how it should and can be, and the options before us just don't measure up. i would even say that they make me feel more lonely than just being by myself would. it's nice to know i'm not the only one dealing with this.
remixes: good or bad?
what about covers?
i heard southeast engine got signed. it's about damn time... i hope they come out here on tour. i would make all the nerds go out and see them.
that bread pudding's gotta go. it's making me feel kinda funny.
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