look ma, i've got my very own blog!

"and all the science i don't understand... is just my job five days a week." --elton john, "rocket man"

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

well what do you know?

1. i did not know that so many people read my blog. hello everyone!

2. i feel surprised and happy that people really took to heart the "i wonder where we'll all be in 5 years" post. i guess we'll just have to wait and see.

tomorrow is my last day at the hospital with the crazy-ass instructor. katie also finishes the bar. fun will be had. oh so very much fun...

they seem to have raked the dirt/gravel path that goes around the lake, or tilled it for planting the spring crops--it has been groomed in some fashion or another. if i used logic i would probably say that it was done so water would run off better instead of collecting into the giant puddles that appear when it rains. but if any of you reading this was responsible for this action, please allow me to say this: it doesn't work. at all. the water now simply collects into long puddles in the furrows between the raised rows, making things like running treacherous. the elevated rows are so very narrow, meaning it is entirely feasible that an ankle will be twisted if a foot is not cautiously placed. also, besides the long, narrow puddles formed in the rain, the mud becomes soft and sloppy now and slides around beneath your feet instead of remaining at all stable.
life is so hard.

alright, i have to find my hospital pass so that i can be sure and turn it in tomorrow. yippy! thank the Lord it's nearly done!


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