winter wonderland: part 2
i love the snow. it makes everybody act like a little kid.
when i left study group tonight it was really coming down. i went for a walk and found half of my neighborhood doing the same. i bet they were all of the out-of-towners, people who miss the seasons and were out to enjoy winter while it lasted. people here don't know what to do with the snow. cars and buses chain up just to drive around town, people stock up on things at the grocery, schools and businesses close just because they can.
as i stepped out my front door flakes the size of snowballs tumbled down around me. with mouth open and tongue extended i couldn't help but catch some good ones. i think these might have been the biggest snowflakes i have ever seen.
even though it was pretty late it was as busy as midday. kids who already knew they will get tomorrow off of school were out enjoying themselves. more than a handful of snowball fights were taking place. several people were doing their best to sled down the hills, but the snow is pretty wet and sticky so they had their work cut out for them.
i spotted a whole civilization of snowpeople, including one built right atop a car. it was complete with stick arms and stone face. there was a house much like the griswolds' from national lampoon's christmas vacation. i'm not even kidding when i say i think i could literally hear the meter ticking. i have no idea what else that buzzing could have been...
i also passed a man out shoveling his walk. he seemed so excited and motivated to get to use his shiny red snow shovel that i didn't have the heart to tell him that the temperature is meant to rise throughout the night, likely melting away all the snow before he wakes up anyway.
even as i walked the snowflakes became smaller and smaller, turning into little ice pellets that stung my cheeks as they struck. by the time i got home what fell was the consistency of thick rain, leaving me soaked and causing my down coat to smell not unlike a wet dog.
there is something so still and soothing about a good snowfall: the way that your footsteps are muffled as they sink into the soft surface; how the cold forces you to bundle up in squishy, cozy layers; how people must slow down so they don't slip and fall or slide into anything as they drive.
sometimes a girl just needs a good walk. i could have walked all night.

this is the view of snowy seattle from my neighborhood.
maybe it's all in my head, but i don't think chicago looks that pretty in the snow.
i loooove chicago in the snow. if i were there i'd help you see all the beauty. MAKE you see it...
also, we need to swap photos. i'm dying to see the ones from fresh flours.
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