look ma, i've got my very own blog!

"and all the science i don't understand... is just my job five days a week." --elton john, "rocket man"

Sunday, December 30, 2007

coming up...

i leave the country on friday.
whenever i am about to go somewhere i always do this thing where i get what i can only describe as "pre-homesick." it's weird because i don't really ever actually get homesick when i'm away. and as soon as i step out the door to go i'm totally fine. but the week before i go anywhere--from a weekend visiting friends to moving to france--i get kind of anxious and clingy and moody. i've been like this since i was a little kid. i would have thought (especially after living abroad for a while and traveling a fair amount during my time) that i would grow out of it. but i guess not.
tomorrow is my last day of work for a few months, and i think i will look forward to returning to my job. that's a really weird concept to me, partly because i don't think many people say that and partly because realizing that kind of surprised me. but the people are great, the environment is so positive and upbeat, i get to play with kids, and occasionally i am even a bit useful. A+.
can i just tell you that i have a lot to do before i can leave? because i do.
there is always more to say but never enough time. i will try and update as i am able, but you have to promise to keep up with me too if i do.
okay goodnight.


At 4:34 AM, Blogger paul said...

deal. I will keep up.

At 8:06 PM, Blogger mdog said...

where on earth are you going? and yes i'll keep up. duh.


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