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"and all the science i don't understand... is just my job five days a week." --elton john, "rocket man"

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


happy fourth of july everyone.
all the little capitalists in the neighborhood are out selling lemonade today. God bless america!

the whole neighborhood has gone nuts with the fireworks the last few days. it's more than a little scary, actually, as i keep feeling like some idiot is going to blow me up. (do i sound as old and serious as i think i do?) if ever there was going to be any kind of terrible event in seattle, tonight would be the night because distractions abound. our stupid neighbors are the worst. mostly they're drunk and belligerent and don't realize that most of the people in the neighborhood actually own their homes instead of renting like they do and therefore would care if their place caught on fire. call me crazy, but whenever drunk people play with explosives it seems like a pretty bad idea. i'm just saying...

i don't want to go back to work tomorrow. it has been so nice to have today off. the sunshine, and the barbecue, and the pie, and the company was all so delightful. a girl couldn't ask for much more.

hope you felt totally independent today but still got to be with someone you love. for all her faults, america really is a great place.


At 4:20 AM, Blogger paul said...

"...but whenever drunk people play with explosives it seems like a pretty bad idea."

quote of the week

At 1:31 PM, Blogger Kevin said...

in response to your comment on patrick's blog.

hey liz, remember when you were in athens? do you have any idea how close that is to... well, athens? just checking...


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